Two-day special workshop to impart training in the field of traditional healing methods for canadian delegation

Updated on: Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The music department of the Guru Nanak Dev University organized a two-day special workshop to impart training to twelve member delegation from Kwantlen University, Canada in the field of traditional healing methods such as Music Therapy, Spiritual Healing, Ayurvedic Healing, Yoga, Panchkarma etc.

Dr. Gurpreet Kaur, Head of the Department and Dean, Faculty of Visual and Performing Arts welcomed the delegation and detailed about the Department and objective of the workshop. She said that music and spirituality has deep relationship since the inception of human being.She said that modern science has prove that many alignments could be healed with good music. She also introduced in brief about the Kirtan tradition and various Music Ghrana of India.

Dr. Balbir Gurm, Coordinator of the Programme said that the main objective of this workshop is to introduced the rich Indian Music to the scholars of other country. On this occasion, Dr. Rajesh Sharma, Sh. Prabhakar Kashayap, Dr. Murli Manohar, S. Narinder Singh, Sh. Ravi Kant and researchers and students of the department were also present.

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