Bharathiar University will release smart mark sheets and degree certificates from coming May

Updated on: Friday, April 19, 2013

In what is termed as the first of its kind in the country, Bharathiar University will release 'smart mark sheets and degree certificates' from coming May. According to a release from the university the certificates will be on paper which is eco-friendly, waterproof and non-tearable.

The date of certificates will be encrypted in a QR (Quick Response) code which will be connected to a centralised database. Scanning the QR code printed on the document will lead to a webpage with details on the student, including the course. This is expected to keep the information of students secure.

The database can be accessed by corporates and other universities to verify the document. The system which will be maintained by the confidential section of the university is expected to save time. However, officials refused to detail the nuances of the project.

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