Making Jamia world-class university a challenge: Jung

Updated on: Monday, September 07, 2009

New Delhi: On his first day in office, Jamia Millia Islamia's new vice chancellor Najeeb Jung on Thursday said there were huge "challenges" before him to make the university "one of the best in the world".

Jung, a former Indian Administrative Services (IAS) officer, took over as vice chancellor from Mushirul Hasan, who was also on the panel of those shortlisted for the post.

A known energy expert, Jung believes that "the post of vice chancellor comes with a lot of challenges".

"I will give my best to carry forward and improve the academic culture and standard of the university. I will make the university one of best in the world as it has the potential," Jung told sources.

Jamia teachers also hope the university will benefit from Jung's versatile experience.

"His multi-faceted experience from his jobs in bureaucracy and the corporate sector will definitely help in taking the university to new levels in the academic world," Arshad Alam, a teacher in the university, told sources.

Alam, who teaches in the Centre for Jawaharlal Nehru Studies, said: "Jung is pursuing his Phd in energy economics from Oxford University, and is well aware of the needs of the academic world. We are hopeful."

Jung, a 1973 batch, Madhya Pradesh cadre IAS officer, studied at St. Stephen's College here and the London School of Economics.

He left the civil services after serving as joint secretary in the petroleum and natural gas ministry.

Jung had also played a major role in the privatisation of ONGC's Panna Mukta oilfield that went to a consortium of Reliance-ONGC and British Gas.

He worked with the Manila-based Asian Development Bank before joining the Observer Research Foundation as director of energy research.

Jung was chosen over outgoing vice chancellor Hasan and Bihar's principal secretary (home) Afzal Amanullah.

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