Media round table on Right To Education expresses concern over the learning outcome of children

Updated on: Friday, April 12, 2013

A media round table on Right To Education today expressed concern over the learning outcome of children, saying children are not learning the basics of literacy and numerology in classes.

Learning assessments show that that for many of the children, who do remain in school, are not learning the basics of literacy and numeracy or the additional knowledge and skills necessary for their all-round development as specified under the Act, participants at the meet noted.

Though most schools have classrooms and made strides in providing drinking water and separate toilet facilities for girls and boys, availability of playground, school ramp, kitchen shed and boundary wall remain major challenges in many states, they said.

"Unfortunately, discrimination, corporal punishment, teacher-centered rote learning is still a reality in many classrooms," the meet also noted.

UNICEF India Representative Louis-George Arsenault and Vice Chancellor of National University of Educational Planning and Administration Prof Govinda spoke at the meet.

The speakers felt there is a need for larger structural reforms in teachers' education and in improving the working conditions and professional status of teachers.

The RTE deadline for meeting infrastructural requirement came to an end on March 31, raising concern over the effective implementation of the Act as hundreds of schools are still lagging behind in meeting the requirements.

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