Bihar assembly clears the deck for setting up of private universities and related institutions of higher learning

Updated on: Thursday, April 04, 2013

Bihar State Private University Bill 2013 was passed by voice vote in the state assembly, clearing the deck for setting up of private universities and related institutions of higher learning in the state.

Speaker Udit Narayan Chaudhary put the bill for voting by the members after Education Minister P K Shahi tabled it for consideration and passage by the House.

Shahi said the bill was a necessary step to provide higher education infrastructure to students of Bihar in view of shortage of such institutions in the state.

The youths comprise 50 per cent of the about 10.38 crore population in Bihar and the number of state-run universities and colleges were few making it difficult for the state government to provide higher education infrastructure to all the students, he said.

After the enactment of the proposed bill the private universities will come to Bihar in big away and set up their institutes.

Shahi said the state government was spending Rs 65,000 to Rs 70,000 per student in the universities and was finding it difficult to set up new infrastructure for higher education due to the various constraints it faced.

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