3 Municipal commissioners and the Chief secretary summoned to discuss grievances of SC teachers of MCD

Updated on: Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The National Commission for Scheduled Castes has asked the Commissioners of three municipal corporations and the Chief Secretary Delhi to present themselves before it to discuss grievances of Scheduled Caste teachers of MCD.

"Latha Priyakumar, member, National Commission for Scheduled Castes, has desired to hold discussion in the matter with you in person of April 4, 2013," a letter from the Commission says and asked them to "attend the discussion with full facts and all relevant requisite documents."

The complainants, Ram Kishan Punia of Joint SC/ST Teachers Front and Hukam Singh Singhmar have also been asked to be present during the discussion.

Punia said suspension of a Dalit teacher Subhash Meena is expected to dominate the proceedings in the meeting.

"Meena was falsely accused by two lady officers of the education department of allegedly misbehaving with them on December 21, 2012 and has been under suspension since then. We will raise this matter with the Commission," said Punia.

The issue of several posts of teachers under reservation remaining vacant as well as increasing the salary of contract teachers may also come up for discussion.

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