HRD Ministry to consolidate the working of the seven new IIMs in the 12th Five-Year Plan

Updated on: Monday, March 25, 2013

HRD minister MM Pallam Raju, said he wanted to consolidate the working of the seven new IIMs in the 12th Five-Year Plan.

Speaking at the 15th annual convocation of IIM Kozhikode, he further stated that this would lead to better learning outcomes in higher education.

He also emphasized greater need to accelerate the linkage between industry and education and hoped for better innovation from leading institutes like IIMK.

After two years of gruelling schedules and academic rigour, the PGP class of 2013 saw 327 participants being awarded the Post Graduate Diploma in Management by this prestigious institute. In addition, 2 students from the first batch of the Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) and 234 students from the third batch of the Executive Post Graduate Programme (EPGP) were also awarded the fellow titles and diplomas respectively.

Raju, in his address spoke of a transition from the world of ideas to a world of action. He encouraged the graduating class of 2013 to "choose risk, dare to fall greatly because only in that way you can ever achieve greatness." He also noted the myriad of challenges facing the country and called upon the graduating students to utilize the values imbibed in them during their stay at the institute in solving these problems.

Speaking of the challenges facing his ministry, he mentioned the focus on 3E's- Expansion, Equity and Excellence. Further, he noted the increased emphasis on quality in all aspects of education in the 12th Five-Year Plan. He concluded with optimism that the students will keep the patriotic spirit at the forefront while taking up various roles in their professional lives and contribute to the welfare of the society at large.

During the convocation, Lord Meghnad Desai, Professor-Emeritus, London School of Economics, emphasized the ever-increasing opportunities for graduating students in the wake of an irreversible economic shift towards countries like India. "When you will retire, India will surely be among the top 3 countries in the world because of the hard work done by your generation. Today's generation is the global generation and children of the new 21st century India", he said calling upon the graduating students to seize the opportunity at hand with zeal and vigour.

Professor Debashis Chatterjee, IIM K director, urged the graduating students to take the roads less travelled in order to succeed in life. Emphasizing the importance of courage and independent thinking, he stated the need for being non-uniform and beating a different drum. "This is your moment. Seize it with all your might. You walked the steps Arjuna once walked. You are the warriors of life", was his message to the graduating class of 2013.

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