New age global careers with upward rise in technology based economy

Updated on: Monday, March 25, 2013

In today's fast-paced world, the upward rise in a technology-based economy is opening up a plethora of new-age global careers which emphasizes on new technologies to generate unique businesses as well as make age-old jobs easier to perform. Personality, cognitive bent and interest in a sphere primarily govern the decisions to take up a career.
Social media has become increasingly popular in the last couple of years and in 2013, it is expected to make an even bigger impact in the classrooms. In addition to paid online classes and degree programmes, some universities are offering free non-credit online courses. Top schools like University of California - Berkeley and Massachusetts Institute of Technology are currently offering free courses. This trend is likely to grow in the coming years.
Jayashree Raghuram, Head of India Office, Leeds Metropolitan University, says, "Studying in the UK attracts students from all over the world, and this tradition has been in place for hundreds of years. The more discerning modern Indian students continue to uphold this tradition despite of being spoilt for choices across the world. The high quality of education and vast cultural diversity of the UK are the main reasons."
Massive open online course has been a rage in the education sector since 2008 and has revolutionized the way students learn. This trend is making its impact across the globe. Gamebased learning (GBL) balances game play with subject matter and helps students retain and apply what they've learned in the real world. This year we will see games being used more frequently in the learning process.
With opportunities springing up at every nook and corner of the market, one can meticulously and innovatively pave way for several careers that fascinate one's mind and stash one's pocket. Here are the latest career options that students are taking up...


This is one career option that is growing in leaps and bounds simply because here one uses one's own creativity, is one's own boss and doesn't have to adhere to fixed working hours. Also requirements and investments for blogging as a career are minimal. You are qualified if you are able write well and invest your time in doing so. While making money gets easier over a period of time, a blogger needs to be consistent and focused. Earnings depend mainly on writing skills and on an average it takes up to about a year when one starts making good money. It is a good idea to start writing about a niche area which you have deep knowledge in. Poetry and photo blogs are quite a hit too. The popularity and success of any blog directly depends on how well a blogger communicates with his readers. Patient and constant replies to readers' comments help the blogger connect with them and build a strong relation between the two. At the end, blogging is based on content and how well one strikes a chord with one's reader.

Email marketing managers:

This is a type of direct digital marketing that uses e-mail as the marketing communication delivery method. Email marketing is used in a number of ways by organizations and marketers for brand and customer loyalty building, acquiring or converting customers, company advertisements, or for communicating promotional offers and more. It is important for an e-mail marketing manager to know the nuts and bolts of good marketing practices and a flair for writing. Effective copy and understanding message design is a great advantage. One needs to blend old-school knowledge with an appreciation for how deliverability challenges, social media, and subscriber expectations have altered the email landscape and its place within the marketing universe.

Online teaching professionals:

Online teaching is a very lucrative career option for mature professionals in the new-age job market . With the help of new technologies, it is possible now to teach comfortably at one's own home and reach out to students globally at any time. One can interact with the students on a one-to-one basis or in a group. One can also choose to put up teaching materials online and let students learn at their own pace by using a membership subscription model on one's website. The beauty of such model is that it helps to eliminate student recruitment works and provides guaranteed income in advance.

Online video-game design :

A career in game designing works well with artistic, creative and innovative persons, who have a passion for games. Though one can join dozens of certificate and diploma programmes offered by various institutions, a hands-on experience in the industry has no substitutes. What counts most is passion for the gaming industry. Knowledge of the software used in designing games is a pre-requisite . In addition to this, knowing basic programming and being familiar with 3D modeling software confirms to be an added advantage. Broadly speaking, game designing mainly presents the idea behind a game. In larger games, it is the inner topic of the game as well as the story, the plot and the characters . Game designing refers mainly to the rules of the game, the scoring or the levels of difficulty.

Online journalists:

Online journalism is another relatively new branch which is picking up fast in the field of news reporting. Although , not very different from the traditional media, online journalism dissipates news and information, in written and audio-visual format, all on a single online platform. A bachelor's degree in journalism/mass media/mass communication after 10+2, or a diploma in the same field could be an ideal launch pad.

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