Deemed varsities status have no merits

Updated on: Thursday, September 03, 2009

New Delhi: Most of the deemed universities do not deserve the status. Comment after the two-day meeting of HRD ministry's review committee on deemed universities on Wednesday.

he videographed meeting saw 27 deemed universities make detailed presentations on various aspects especially what these institutes were, when they got deemed university status and did they fulfill the criterion then as well as the special area of interest. The presentation also related to publications by the university faculty, their qualification and the research work done by them.

'The works they cited have not scome in recognised or reputed journals. Even the quality of faculty is pathetic. No new research is being done,' the source said.

During the presentation, members of the review committee asked many questions. Earlier, a detailed questionnaire had been sent to deemed universities.

The source also pointed out that while some of the institutes have done good work, in no case can they become universities. 'They do not fit into the idea of a university,' he said.

Sources said the committee is likely to give its report sometime this month. 'Ministry has made it a 100-day issue. Wish more time was given,â€'a member of the review committee said.

The HRD review committee has already decided not to travel to various locations. But the UGC’s review committee on deemed universities will visit various universities.

The five-member HRD review committee has been asked to look into the governance of the institution, quality of instruction as well as quality of physical and academic infrastructure, standards of research and its impact, and other issues

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