Three years post implementation of RTE there is very little to show

Updated on: Friday, March 15, 2013

 Is the Right to Education a basic right or just a scheme? With the implementation of RTE completing three years on March 31, there's very little to show.

To assess the status of its implementation, the Joint Operation for Social Help, JOSH, initiated a study in Delhi schools. The survey carried out in seven areas covering 1,425 households and 29 schools threw up some startling findings.

"The point that emerges is the need for an effective, time-bound grievance redressal mechanism to deal with the violations on the ground. The Act makes education a fundamental right. While efforts are on to improve provisioning, there's need for a mechanisms to provide children and parents a space to raise their concerns . There's no such mechanism. Children and parents are clueless where to go when they're denied quality education," Aheli Choudhary of JOSH said.

In 99% of the schools, management committees haven't been formed, barring the MCD schools of Trilokpuri. These committees are supposed to be similar to parent-teacher associations. Apparently, a delay in the notification of Delhi State rules held up their formation. But more than a year after these rules were notified, no official order on formation of such panels has reached schools. More than 70% of students say they don't complain, if they have problems with a teacher. A lack of awareness among children and parents about the RTE Act remains a major impediment.

"Access to free and compulsory education is limited. Especially in terms of denial of admissions based on documents, admission, and other fees being charged, denial of admission to children with special needs and lack of provisions to retain them meaningfully in schools," she said.

She added that school drop-outs remained the biggest problem. No functional toilets and corporal punishment have emerged as key reasons for students dropping out. In 25% of schools, there are no functional toilets. Parents stop sending their daughters to them as a result and 30% of schools do not provide clean drinking water.

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