Proposal to educationally empower girl students belonging to the BPL category in J&K

Updated on: Thursday, March 14, 2013

As many as 6,902 poor girl students, of which over 75 per cent is from Kashmir region, were covered under a welfare scheme in Jammu and Kashmir.

Deputy Chief Minister Tara Chand has said that 6,902 girl students of poor families have been brought under the ambit of 'Beti Anmol Scheme' proposed to educationally empower girl students belonging to the Below Poverty Line (BPL) category.

Replying to a question in the House today, the Deputy Chief Minister said that this scheme could not be implemented in district Jammu and Samba as there are no educationally backward blocks in these districts.

So far 1,663 poor girl students of Jammu division and 5,239 of Kashmir division are covered under the scheme, he said.

Replying to the supplementaries raised by members, the Deputy Chief Minister said that to cover maximum number of poor girl students, a vigorous mass awareness scheme would be launched in all blocks.

He requested the members that they should also play their role in this regard for publicising the benefits of welfare schemes including Beti Anmol Scheme in their public addresses.

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