Schools in Kashmir reopened after long winter vacation.

Updated on: Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Dressed in their uniforms, the students resumed schooling after three months and 10 days of vacations. Schools in the valley close in December every year for winter vacation and reopen on March one next year.

However, the vacations were extended two weeks ago as authorities felt that the weather conditions were not conducive for students to attend schools.

There was apprehension that Majlis Mashawarat (Consultative Committee), an amalgamation of separatist outfits, will call for general strike today, thereby affecting the reopening of the schools.

The Majlis, which is spearheading the campaign for return of mortal remains of Parliament attack convict Mohammad Afzal Guru and JKLF founder Mohammad Maqbool Bhat to their families, issued its weekly agitation programme today which called for a general strike on Wednesday.

Guru and Bhat were hanged and buried inside Tihar jail on February 9, 2013 and February 11, 1984.

The separatists groups had come in for sharp criticism for calling frequent strikes and protests during 2010 summer agitation in the valley, which had badly affected the schooling of the students.

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