Foundation stone laid for a training centre for persons with autism spectrum disorders

Updated on: Monday, March 11, 2013

UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi laid the foundation stone of a residential, educational-cum- vocational training centre for persons with autism spectrum disorders at village Gairatpur Bass saying such people should be dealt with special care and sensivity by the society.

She said it is first centre of its kind not only in India but perhaps in South Asia.

The centre will be developed by an NGO named Action for Autism on about 10 acres of land in village Gairatpur Bass.

After laying the foundation stone, Sonia addressed a gathering and said the centre would provide residential and training facilities to children who have to face great challenges in life.

"Such children were talented but because of their innocence, they find it difficult to lead a normal life. Hence, they need care and sensitivity from us and entire society," she said.

Gandhi said the parents of such children carry a huge burden about their lives as to who will look after and take care of them after they have gone. In such cases, the society has important role to play, she added.

She said the parents, who are affluent, can arrange for education and training of their children with autism disorder but her heart goes out for those parents who are not so well-to-do. It is they who need support from the society.

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