Scientific research covering areas from atomic energy to biotechnology allocated Rs 20,051 crore

Updated on: Friday, March 01, 2013

Scientific research covering areas from atomic energy to biotechnology were allocated Rs 20,051 crore in the General Budget today which gave a big boost to India's maiden Mars Orbiter mission.
Finance Minister P Chidambaram also proposed to set aside Rs 200 crore to fund organisations to scale up few amazing innovations and bring them within the reach of the common man.
He said despite constraints, resources must be found for S&T and allocated Rs 6,275 crore to the Ministry of Science and Technology, Rs 5,615 crore to the Department of Space and Rs 5,880 crore to the Department of Atomic Energy.
"Members will be happy to know that these amounts are substantial enhancements," he said presenting the Budget in the Lok Sabha.
When compared with budget estimates of last fiscal, the increase works out to be a meagre five per cent for the Ministry of Science and Technology which had a plan allocation of Rs 5,975 crore last year.
However, when compared with the revised estimates (RE) of last fiscal of Rs 5030 crore, the allocation of Rs 6,275 crore this year works out to 24.75 per cent.
Similar is the case with Ministry of Earth Sciences which was allocated Rs 1,281 crore this year as against Rs 820 crore RE of last fiscal, Department of Space which got Rs 5,615 crore (Rs 3800 crore) and Department of Atomic Energy Rs 5,880 crore (Rs 2,600 crore).
India's maiden space Mission to Mars, which is likely to be launched in October, has been allocated Rs 167 crore. This is in addition to Rs 125 crore allocated for the mission last year.

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