Centre asks states to cooperate on implementation of RTE Act

Updated on: Tuesday, September 01, 2009

New Delhi: The Centre today asked the states to cooperate in implementation of the Right To Education Act as a whopping Rs 1.5 lakh crore would be required for it in the next five years.

Chairing a meeting of Central Advisory Board of Education, Human Resources Development Minister Kapil Sibal said that the Union Government can spend about Rs 45,000 crore for the purpose under the 11th Plan. Besides, it may spend another Rs 45,000 crore in the first three years of the 12th

'The kind of money we are looking at is 1.5 lakh core to be able to provide quality education at elementary level. We have about Rs 90,000 crore in the 11th Plan and the first three years of the 12th Plan. We need another Rs 60,000 crore.

We need your cooperation. We need a constructive way to work together,' he said at the meeting attended by 25 state education ministers.

He asked the states to increase the budget allocation to education so that the country can achieve six per cent GDP spending in this sector.

West Bengal Education Minister Partha Dey, however, expressed reservation over the Centre changing the funding pattern of various schemes. He said it was adding to the burden of the states and the 'sharing of money should be realistic'.


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