Second school of mines being set up in collaboration with Australia

Updated on: Friday, February 15, 2013

India's second school of mines is to come up in the country's northeast in collaboration with the government of Queensland, Australia to provide skilled manpower for the growing needs of the mining industry.

Rod Solomon, Trade and Investment Commisioner of Queensland said, "We now have an understanding specifically on setting up a school of mines in India." 

Solomon declined to disclose the exact location of the school. He only said it would be set up in "one of the northeastern states."

Probed further, he said, "We (Oueensland state) are not going to actually build it (school). Somebody else will build the infrastructure. The understanding is that we will bring in the curricula and the trainers to provide the education."

For all this, skilled manpower, about 20,000 to 30,000 people would be required for the project.

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