Central Cultural Committee responsible for organising all cultural events constituted by Allahabad University

Updated on: Friday, February 15, 2013

The Allahabad University has constituted the Central Cultural Committee which would be responsible for organising all cultural events.

The committee, comprising seven members, has been constituted by vice-chancellor Prof AK Singh on the recommendation of dean student welfare (DSW). The members include convenor Prof Smita Agarwal of the department of English, Prof SK Nahar, HoD, music and performing arts, A Jaitely, HoD, visual arts, Prof Anita Gopesh of the department of zoology, Prof SD Roy of the department of English, AK Singhal of the department of commerce and business administration and JP Mishra of the law department.

Meanwhile, the inmates of Sir Sunder Lal hostel will be organising an ex-inmate function on the hostel premises on February 16.

Many judges, bureaucrats and civil servants will attend the function. Those who would be attending the function include Justice Sunil Ambwani, Justice Pratyush Kumar, Justice Alok Kumar Singh, Justice Vinod Prasad, Chairman UP state planning commission NC Bajpai, former DGP Yash pal Singh, Mela Adhikari Mani Prasad Mishra among others.

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