DonBosco raises fund to aid a sub-urban school

Updated on: Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Chennai based school, Don Dosco (DB), Egmore-Primary Division in alliance with Britto dance group recently conducted a special dance programme, "DOBODA" for raising funds to aid a sub urban school, R.C High School at Madurantakam.

Through this dance programme, the school raised Rs15 Lakh, which was handed over to the sub urban school authorities at a small function held recently on Feb 9 that was attended by school students, parents and teachers.

Apart from 300 students from DB, students of R.C. School too participated in the dance programme that set the audience in motion across the floor.

Popular cine artists graced the dance programme with their presence and encouraged the young dancers.

Speaking at the handing over function, Rector, Fr. John Alex, urged students to inculcate the habit of helping and to work in association with others right from childhood.

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