National symposium on research in biotechnology and its applications

Updated on: Friday, February 08, 2013

Elphinstone College announced the second edition of its UGC sponsored national symposium the subject of modern research trends and applications in life sciences. The conference will focus on research in biotechnology and its applications; recent advances in recombinant DNA technology, proteomics and genomics, nano-biotechnology, stem cells and applications, cancer biology, energy and environment etc.

The symposium aims to bring together academicians, researchers and experts from different parts of the country to exchange knowledge and stimulate innovative ideas. It will also give a platform to the young scientist/ researchers to contribute to research ideas.

Conference theme will include energy and environment, stem cells and its applications in cancer research, proteomics and genomics, nano biotechnology, food and agriculture biotechnology, molecular tools and applications–RTPCR, modern trends in research methodology in life sciences, recombinant DNA technology and bio-safety and intellectual property rights.

The registration fee for delegates, scientist and teachers is Rs 800, while that for students and research scholars it is set at Rs 400. However, there conference will also accept spot registrations at the fee of Rs 1000.

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