Tibetans do not have any objection to Chinese participation in the revival of Nalanda University

Updated on: Monday, February 04, 2013

The Tibetan-government-in-exile today said the Dalai Lama should be the "main component" in the revival of Nalanda University and does not have any objection to Chinese participation in it.

"The Prime Minister of Tibetan Government-in-Exile" Lobsang Sangay said the Dalai Lama is a "preserved original pure thinking of the Nalanda tradition" and he should be involved in the revival of Nalanda University.

"He has to be one of the main components and a legitimate authority. He is a preserved person in Nalanda tradition and he should be a party to any revival," he said.

He said Tibetans do not have any objection to Chinese participation in the revival of the ancient centre of learning.

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