DU contemplating introducing grade system instead of marks in the four year UG programme

Updated on: Monday, February 04, 2013

Delhi University's taskforce working on devising the four-year undergraduate programme in one of its recommendations has proposed introducing grades instead of marking. No concrete steps have been finalised till further meeting of the taskforce.

According to Ajay K Arora, member-taskforce and principal , Deshbandhu College, the new scheme is one of the panel's recommendations on examination evaluation system, which is at the planning stage right now. The idea was put forward keeping in mind retaining students who come from remote backgrounds and are not able to fair well in some particular papers for instance English, among others.

"However, it will be a different grading system vis-a-vis the conversion of marks. It has to be discussed in detail before arriving at any conclusion. In the usual scenario, there are students who perform well in most subjects while poorly in some specific papers. Grading system can help in motivating these students so that they do not lag behind and catch up while being promoted to the next level every year," he said.

Besides the marking scheme, another recommendation of the taskforce was to have more day colleges in order to accommodate the increasing number of students. Most evening colleges are planning to shift into the morning mode following the recommendation. "The decision was taken after there was a 54% rise in the number of students enrolling after the OBC expansion," he added.

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