NAC gives in principle approval for a monitoring and grievance redress architecture for effective implementation of RTE

Updated on: Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The National Advisory Council has given in principle approval for a monitoring and grievance redress architecture from local to national level for effective implementation of Right to Education (RTE).

The recommendation submitted by a working group to the NAC had suggested HRD Ministry to take steps in this direction.

The group also suggested that the Ministry and states institutionalise mechanisms for dialogue and mediation that ensure participation of all stakeholders in resolving grievances.

Three such mechanisms have been proposed- a samudaya divas (school open day), annual school audit initiated at the school level and thirdly institutionalisation of block and district level 'shiksha samvads'.

Ministry of Women and Child welfare has been asked to take steps for strengthening the National Commission for the Protection of Child Rights ( NCPCR) and the State Commissions for Protection of Child Rights ( SCPCR) monitoring implementation of RTI.

Towards ending discrimination in schools, the working group had recommended that the HRD Ministry and the states take steps for defining discrimination and preparing equality declaration and code of conduct for schools.

The suggestion assumes significance in light of reports of discrimination against students coming from economically weaker section in classes.

RTE Act reserves 25 per cent of seats for them in classes. The recommendation also includes reforms in teacher education and training, preparing teachers to handle discrimination and engaging with issues of identity etc.

It has also suggested defining and specifying prevalent forms of discrimination and making provision of disciplinary action under service rules for contravention.

Budgetary provision has also been suggested to promote equity and inclusion in schools.

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