India constructs Nursing college and School building in Kathmandu

Updated on: Friday, January 25, 2013

Two buildings built with Indian assistance of NRs 70 million was inaugurated today, furthering the development partnership between the two neighbours.

Inaugurating a Nursing College building and a school building, Indian Ambassador to Nepal Jayant Prasad underlined the importance of the Nepal-India Economic Cooperation Programme as a cornerstone of the development partnership between the two countries.

The Nursing College building, constructed at a cost of NRs 38.58 million, will enable the college to conduct Auxiliary Nurse Midwife Courses and train 80 qualified nurses per year.

The upgradation of this facility will significantly strengthen the development of specialised human resource in Morang and adjoining districts in eastern Nepal, according to a press release issued by the Indian Embassy.

Established in 1929, Shri Adarsha HS School is one of the oldest Government recognised schools in Morang District, which provides educational facilities to around 1700 students, about half of whom are girls.

The new facility, built at a cost of NRs 31.64 million, will provide improved learning environment to the student community and significantly contribute towards the further development of education sector in the District.

The construction of these projects is in addition to Indian assistance of NRs 159 million for the construction of infrastructure projects, including schools, roads and a cold storage facility in the district, besides gifting of eight ambulances and three school buses in the district.

The various projects being implemented under the programme will help the people of Nepal in their strides towards peace and prosperity, he pointed out.

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