Students are pressed too much to perform better making them loose their emotional balance

Updated on: Friday, January 25, 2013

In the present scenario, students are pressed too much to perform better in several spheres, forcing them to function like a robotic being rather that a human being, making them loose their emotional balance, powerless to reason out anything and take drastic decisions like committing suicides.

According to scholars, emotional balance is primarily lost when there is enormous amount of pressure mounted on an individual.

Earlier, parents only used to pressurize children in their X and XII standards, but whereas today, parents thrust more pressure on their children much earlier as much as even from the age of 3, by sending them to a neighborhood school, then having them to learn some sort of musical activities, besides sending them to sports coaching camps and afterwards have them to spent few more hours in tuitions, all with a hope and anxiety that one fine day their wards would make it big in some field or the other.

Most parents would like to accomplish things through their children that they were not able to achieve or deprived during their childhood. Ultimately, parent put enormous amount of pressure on the child to do what they desire, rather than understanding the likes and dislikes of the child.

Some parents are so anxious that they want their wards to be a top performer even before admitting in school, for which they enroll the child in various fancy activities that some so-called organizations bring out these days, which actually have commercial motive, rather than with the perspective of empowering children. Apart from this, the parents also start to compare their child with others right from an early age, indirectly transferring a competitive behavioral pattern to the child.

Gone are the days when brotherhood was more valued more than competitions. Today, most children growing up in this type of environment always sees everything in the form of competition. Success brings delight, but failure becomes intolerable and unacceptable, pushing the child into emotional imbalance, subsequently leading the child to consume his/her life.

In current circumstances, money matters a lot, where both parents are forced to go for work that compels the parents to keep the child engaged in a safe environment until their return. The best option is to put them in tuition, although it would not be required for the age of the child. Eventually, the child is deprived of mellow and loving bosom of the mother at the end of a hectic day.

Next, contributing factor towards the emotional imbalance of the child is the school itself. An institution that is supposed shape-up the behavioral pattern of a child has now become the vehicle for producing emotionally unstable children. Instead of building characters, teaching to handle emotions, building composure of the child and nurturing individual beings, today schooling has now become more oriented towards results, business turnovers, gaining reputation in the district/ state and absolutely commercial.

Schools produce stereotype students through mechanical and in-experienced teachers. To substantiate this statement, children are not given enough time to reflect upon the taught lessons and the teachers also do not find time to deliberate on the best means to reach out their students mind. To put together, the school wants to keep the children’s mind always occupied with something or the other, without giving any time to deliberate independently. They keep moving and shifting to places and circumstances according to the bell with no time to deliberate or discuss on even subject matters. Teaching to deliberate independently will foster the art of staying quit and self-examination.

Another factor adding to the emotional balance of school children is that the schools overwork on the children by not giving due break. It’s a sad state of affairs that, although the government has provided an academic calendar, schools do not follow it. In the pretext of producing good results, schools even force students of class X and XII to come for special classes on Sundays. Incontrovertibly, such a schedule would definitely break down any child, because they are human, children and above all they also need time get breather and unwind themselves. After all, they are still children.

Next, our educational system doesn’t permit to shape the child’s behavior, as value education, life skills, social values are not given due importance in the framework of curriculum. Time frame to complete the year’s academic syllabus is so demanding that the teacher do not have time to deviate slightly towards other areas of a person’s development.

If only this emotional area of children is molded properly, the by product would be poised, composed, nonturbulent and balanced individual.

Over ambitious parents, unrealistic approach of schools and curriculum that is not based on child psychology and lack of profound research are the primary reasons for the emotion instability of an individual.

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