Schools are more than just temples of learning

Updated on: Friday, January 11, 2013

Schools are more than just temples of learning. They are also an overactive arena for both physical and mental injuries. A unique attempt to map how injurious schools and their grounds can be showed that every month, almost one in 10 students of a suburban co-educational school made a trip to the medical room.

They were seeking attention for visible wounds (cuts, bruises, sprains) and not-so-obvious issues such as headaches or nausea, found a five-month survey of the 7,000-plus students of the school. "One in 10 is a big number," said Dr Vijay Shetty, an orthopedic surgeon with L H Hiranandani Hospital, Powai, who conducted the survey. "It shows there is an aspect of childhood we are not looking at. We need to understand the problem of injuries at school and take steps to improve the situation."

The survey identified a most innocuous object that could be quite a pain, literally: the all-important identity card. The school recorded 13 minor injuries caused by the cards that needed medical attention among children younger than 10 years. "The survey shows we need to put more thought into our I-cards . May be, schools need to use a rubber cover or innovate with I-cards for younger children," said the doctor.

The data, being analyzed by the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, shows almost 56% of the children who go to the medical room need first aid. "The remaining 44% come with complaints of abdominal pain or headache," said Shetty, adding that many of these kids, especially those who return with the same complaints, could be victims of stress.

Injuries cannot be avoided at school or any other place, said orthopedic surgeon Sanjay Agarwala from Hinduja Hospital, but society can try to minimize them at schools. The US has an elaborate programme to do so. The US National SAFE KIDS Campaign has found that 25% of the 14 million unintentional injuries to children under 14 occur at school. "Annually, one in 14 students suffers a medically attended or temporarily disabling injury at school... studies indicate school-age children are nine times more likely to sustain an unintentional injury than be the victim of an intentional injury while at school," said US government data.

Dr Agarwala believes schools could make a beginning at the planning stage by taking away sharp edges in classrooms . "Children, as a function of their age and immaturity, will get injured, but furniture with rounded edges would help. Schools could also cut down on injuries in sports if they invested in protective gear,'' he said.

A senior doctor pointed out that Mumbai's schools with tiny playgrounds and narrow corridors are a hotbed for injuries. "Children will run wildly as is their nature. Yet, in Mumbai , school administration usually focuses on having more buildings, often at the cost of grounds," he said.

Physical injuries are not the only aspect that needs attention. The survey shows that 44% of the 3,285 visits to the medical room pertained to non-so-obvious complaints like abdominal cramps and headaches. "Other most common medical problems for which students sought medical attention were headache and abdominal pain. These are often signs of stress," said Dr Shetty.

Psychiatrist Harish Shetty concurred. "Medical rooms are neutral rooms in schools. There is no fear or anxiety of meeting a teacher there. They want to miss a period because they haven't studied or they are worried about their parents' reaction to their marks in class tests.''

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