Education department anounces revision in schedule of admission under RTE Act

Updated on: Friday, January 11, 2013

The education department announced that the schedule for school admissions under the Right To Education (RTE) quota will now be revised.

Schools, which were expected to release admission forms from January 10 to 30, have been asked to postpone their admission process for a week till the new schedule is announced. "The government resolution (GR) on the RTE reservation clause is yet to be released. Once it is done, the education department will announce a new admission schedule for schools," said N B Chavan, deputy director of education (schools). For the past week, school principals have been attending workshops on conducting admissions under the 25% RTE quota.

"The west zone education officer conducted a meeting last week and we were asked to conduct admissions according to the new schedule. Our forms are ready and we are only waiting for the government's nod to start the process," said Fr Francis Swamy, principal of Holy Family High School, Andheri (E). As part of the monthly education meet, education inspectors have ensured that principals and school representatives are explained the nuances of RTE. "We meet principals to discuss matters related to new rules. This month we focused on RTE and cleared doubts that principals had," said Suresh Mali, education inspector (west zone).

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