Martial arts training to girl students PU to handle tough situations

Updated on: Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Jolted by the brutal Delhi gang-rape incident, Panjab University has decided to impart an important lesson to its girl students - martial arts.

The dean students' welfare office is all set to organize classes for girl hostellers as the new semester commences on January 9.

PU officials said, "On a pilot basis, the girls will be provided confidence boosting and martial arts training to handle tough situations."

"We are in the process of introducing a campaign for girl hostellers as the new session starts. We want the girls to face all situations with confidence and bravery," said Kalpana Mahajan, dean, students' welfare (women).

Girl volunteers of various hostels will also be engaged to spread the word among their room-mates and other students to become a part of the martial arts drive.

"Trainers will be engaged by the DSW office and students will not have to bear the expenses. We are planning fully-sponsored workshops for them," added Mahajan.

AS Ahluwalia, PU dean, students' welfare, said if the campaign drew a good response from hostel residents, then it would be extended to all other students.

"A meeting was convened a few days ago wherein it was decided to start the drive," he added.

"Last year, we had tried to bring hostel students together for social issues through workshops and it had drawn a good response. This time, our endeavour is to make the university students stronger by giving them special training in martial arts," said Ahluwalia.

The office plans to invite a black-belt holder and take the campaign further in collaboration with the police administration and social work departments.

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