Ecole Mondiale World school at Juhu celebrated World Literacy Week

Updated on: Wednesday, December 26, 2012

 Ecole Mondiale World school at Juhu celebrated World Literacy Week, recently, with the theme 'Champions Read' on reading and writing.

The prime motive in organizing this event was to create an understanding and awareness on the importance of reading, create passion in children towards reading and writing and about encouraging every student to read and to help develop a love of reading and writing.

Other known personalities visiting the event were Ruta Vyas, author of Toto the Auto, Mirabelle D'cunha, author of 366 Words in Mumbai, and Natasha Sharma storyteller of "Icky, Yucky, Mucky" and Michael Hayman from the United States, author of This Book Makes No Sense. These authors read to the students and shared their love of reading.

The school had also organized writers' workshops for Grade 4 and 5 students.

Vinitha Ramchandani and Sonja Chandrachud who are published authors in the industry joined the campaign Champions Read and emphasized on the vital importance of developing the writing skills as an important form of communication even in our day to day lives.

Ace Tennis Player Leander Paes joined the kids and educated them on the importance of books and reading and how they could be the best companion throughout lifetime.

The objective behind celebrating of this day was to make the students understand on how the knowledge imbibed from the books could serve as a source of increasing their IQ, creativity, imagination, vocabulary and also how books could be used as a smart entertainment platform and can serve as a medium of fun both while reading and writing".

According to Mr Finbarr O'Regan, principal, Ecole Mondiale World School, "It was great to have the eminent authors in person who could guide and educate the students about the pivotal role that reading and writing could play for them in throughout.

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