Lot needs to be done to improve the educational scenario in the state says CM

Updated on: Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Assam is lagging behind other states in the field of education and a lot needs to be done to improve the educational scenario in the state, Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi said.
"There is a need to include more vocational courses in the curriculum to enhance human resource development," Gogoi told the golden jubilee function of Rangiya College here.
"Institutes of higher education have a responsibility to guide the society towards the path of progress," he said. Speaking on the occasion, University Grants Commission Chairman Ved Prakash said that a proper connecting link between primary and secondary education and higher education was still not properly in place.
"Our future is science, innovation and research through meticulous planning and creativity to promote human development," he said
Prakash said that though the number of institutes of higher education had increased since Independence, "there is still a need for more such institutions."
He also said it was also necessary to increase the number of qualified teachers in the higher education segment.

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