AUCE first state-run educational institution in the state to install a bio-metric thumb impression attendance system

Updated on: Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Andhra University College of Engineering (AUCE) has become the first state-run educational institution in the state to install a bio-metric thumb impression attendance system on its campus, to keep check on students bunking classes and improve their attendance percentages to avoid the possibility of disqualification from sitting in annual examinations.

The AUCE spent nearly Rs 5 lakh to obtain the system, which was installed three months ago in the campus at 12 points including 11 select departments and the principal's chamber. On a trial basis, the system has been made operational for first year students only, and the college is planning to expand it to all 40 departments from next academic year. Earlier attendance was kept through a manual register with a clerk cadre officer specially entrusted with the task. Now, the attendance will be automatically recorded at a special server through the system.

 GSN Raju, AUCE principal, said, "The technology of biometric thumb impression has helped AUCE in improving the students' attendance as well as punctuality. I don't think this kind of a system is operational in any other government educational university or institution in the state." 

Uploading of students' data onto the software has been going on in a phased manner. Initially, the profile and thumb impressions of the first year students of a few departments have been uploaded, while the registration of the remaining students will start soon. Each student would be given a unique biometric code, using which his identity can be checked whenever required. Apart from the attendance, the system would also help the authorities detect discrepancies in photographs and thumb impressions of the applicants who appear for the admission test.

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