3 day National Convention on Quality Concepts organised by Quality Circle Forum of India started at IIT-Kanpur

Updated on: Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The three-day National Convention on Quality Concepts, organised by the Quality Circle Forum of India (QCFI), started at IIT-Kanpur on Monday with a formal inauguration ceremony at the auditorium ground in the evening. A colourful cultural event was held to set the mood of the QCFI members who had come from places far off.

The dignatries of QCFI felicitated Prof Indranil Manna, Director, IIT-Kanpur, Prof Ashok Mittal of Industrial Management Engineering, IIT-Kanpur and senior members of QCFI.

Earlier, a model exhibition was held in the auditorium ground where the QCFI delegates had put up their models to showcase the problems that occurred in it at some or the other stage and the solution with which the problem was solved. Huge rush turned up to see the exhibition.

TOI production team from Ahmedabad, who also took part in the exhibition, were the winners of the Baroda Chapter of QCFI.

The team which had put on display a model of a printing machine, was capable of saving paper which normally goes into waste in a printing press. Tushar Bakhda, senior manager, production, Ahmedabad Times of India informed that they had displayed a paper recovery model for waste reel ends. He said that this was done to showcase how resources can be used in a much better way.

Bakhda said that innovative approach and many modifications in the printing machine resulted in producing reel ends of smaller diameter that have little layers of newsprint left on it. We brainstormed and innovated a rewinding mechanism that makes bigger size reel ends from small ends. Approximately, 9,486 kg newsprint could be recovered per year, he added.

He concluded by saying that by doing so they could save Rs 2.09 lakh in last eight months. This practice has been adopted in Vejalpur Plant in Ahmedabad TOI.

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