UGC moots the idea of separate undergraduate board

Updated on: Saturday, December 15, 2012

All the states might have a separate undergraduate board on the lines of school boards such as ICSE, CBSE and state boards If an idea mooted by the University Grants Commission (UGC) is brought into action.

The implementation of such a plan will result in universities getting more time for postgraduate research and education.

The UGC has sent out a questionnaire to colleges and universities where it has asked them, among other things, whether it would be "appropriate to have a state board of undergraduate education on the lines of CBSE/school boards or an undergraduate board in each university" so that varsities can focus on postgraduate education and research.

UGC's joint director for the western region G Srinivas said, "We have sought opinion of colleges on several issues and this is one of them. The idea is aimed at strengthening collegiate education," he said.

The UGC is also trying to overhaul the process of college affiliation and ensure that more colleges benefit from its funding. In a bid to take feedback from all the stakeholders, the UGC has been holding seminars for colleges and universities on the current affiliation system. One such seminar will be held in Pune on December 14-15.

In its questionnaire, the UGC has asked colleges and universities to list reforms that can be introduced to improve the education system. "Can colleges be affiliated to any university in the country and not be bound by geographical jurisdiction? Can the relationship between a college and a university be defined as that of a master-slave, a mother-child or any other," the commission has asked in its questionnaire.

"Colleges are being neglected by universities. Out of the 33,000-odd colleges in the country, only 7,000 are recognized by the UGC and receive funds for development. Most colleges do not have permanent affiliation, which is why they are losing out. The exercise is to get many more colleges under the UGC's purview," Srinivas said. "Temporary affiliation fee has become a source of revenue for universities," he added.

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