Tripura Government to distribute free books to poor students upto class XII

Updated on: Thursday, December 13, 2012

 Tripura chief minister Manik Sarkar said today that students up to class twelve living below poverty line (BPL) in Tripura would get their books free of cost.

He said, "The BPL students studying up to class ten in Tripura were getting their books free of cost, but many of them after passing secondary examination did not continue their studies due financial problem, so we have decided to give them books from state's coffer".

"We want all sections of students, be poor or rich get the scope for education. So, the decision was taken in the council of ministers. Altogether 12000 BPL students in the state would benefit from this decision".

The students of Arts group would get Rs 855 in class eleven and Rs 706 in class twelve, the students of commerce group would get Rs 856 in class eleven and Rs 645 in class twelve and the Science students in class eleven Rs 1718 and Rs 1485 in class twelve.

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