NC College of Engineering and Technology signs MOU with De Montfort University, Leicester UK

Updated on: Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Students of the local NC College of Engineering and Technology stand to benefit as they will have access to knowledge of world class universities. The college has signed a memorandum of understanding with the De Montfort University, Leicester (UK), which is reportedly ranked 25th in the world, to facilitate student exchange programmes.

The MOU was signed amongst Professor Martyn Kendrick and Brian Andrew from De Montfort University on behalf of the two universities under which different activities would be facilitated in the field of Technology, Management and Computer Applications like students development, exchange of students and teachers, workshops, seminars, staff development programmes, research and development, projects and placements.

Under this MoU, the students would be able to avail the scholarship of 1000 Pounds. It would also provide an opportunity to the local students to visit De Montfort University for further studies. The facility of pre-sessional English subject and free in-sessional English language would be given to all the students going from NCCE.

Besides, the facility of International scholarship will also be provided to the students. After the MoU was signed, some attractive cultural activities were performed in front of all the audience. On this occasion, management members of the college, DV Gupta, Vijay Gupta, MLGupta, Bhushan Gupta and RC Gupta were also present.

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