DU introducing series of initiatives for differently abled students

Updated on: Monday, December 10, 2012

Delhi University is introducing a series of initiatives for differently-abled students, which are going to be implemented from the new academic session. To start with, the university intends to provide netbooks to differently-abled students who are enrolled in regular programmes. The netbooks will be equipped with software and applications to suit various needs of the students.

Besides, DU has also announced an overseas trip for 100 differently-abled students, which will be an educational trip where students will visit universities and write projects on their return. Also, the special students will be able to avail of the benefit of free commuting through Delhi Metro from 2013, as announced earlier this year. According to Bipin K Tiwari, faculty member and in-charge of equal opportunity cell (EOC), the initiative was proposed by the vice-chancellor in order to empower special students through technological support.

"They need to be fully independent, which could be done best through access to technology. We want to give them equal opportunity in every sense of the term. The netbooks will give our special students technical support and required ease in academics as well as other creative pursuits. The gadget will be made available to them by December-end or early next year," says Tiwari.

As for the foreign trip, he says, that it is the brainchild of the vice-chancellor and has no precedent in the university's record. Dinesh Singh, vice chancellor, says, "The EOC will form a small committee and a brochure to invite student applications for the trip. I want to send them in summer so that they are comfortable with the weather . We would probably be sending students to a western European country. They will be visiting universities where facilities and awareness are remarkable ."

Students would be picked from different semesters across disabilities. During the trip, students will be visiting foreign universities, observe the kind of facilities available, and the way in which academics and extracurricular activities are approached. Later, they will have to write projects based on their observations.

The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) is in the process of devising special passes for the students. "We are to procure the passes from DMRC. The university will bear all the charges incurred in the travel passes," informs Tiwari.

Only this year, DU had taken several steps for differently-abled students, which included fee waiver, increase in hostel reservation from 3% to 5% and a reduction in mess charges as well. The EOC has also started computer training for them to increase their employability scopes and to make them tech-savvy . Also, the pathways and pavements on campus have been repaired along with ramps to ensure that there are no access issues.

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