Madras HC directs Nursing college to allow four students to continue with their studies

Updated on: Monday, December 10, 2012

Madras High Court bench came to the rescue of four nursing college woman students in Thanjavur district, quashing the management's order dismissing them and asking them to take their Transfer certificate on charges of ragging juniors.

Allowing petitions by four students of Sacred arts college of nursing, Sakkottai, Justice Vinod K Sharma said though the management had held an enquiry into the complaint, the committee's report had not been placed on record. Besides the respondents,including the college director had not replied to charges of his alleged misbeaviour with woman students of the college Hostel.

During the enquiry, no evidence was recorded.The management had not denied that no witness was examined in the presence of the petitioners, the judge said.

He noted that the director was held prima facie guilty(of misconduct with the students) in the committee meeting and directions were even issued to remove him.College authorities wanted to defeat the students' right without even placing on record the enquiry report, he said and directed authorities to permit the students continue their studies in the college.

The Petitioners contended that the director indulged in indecent activities in the name of recreation.He also directed students to confess if they had any sexual relationships with others. Though the matter was reported to the hostel warden, he told them to complain as he was the collge director.

The students had also staged a dharna to condemn the 'misconduct' of the director, but only the warden was transferred.

The petitioners said the peace committee meeting was held after they agitated, during which it was decided to remove them from college. The said students who held dharna were targetted and false charges, including ragging juniors, were slapped against them. An enquiry was held in their absence and they were asked to take the TCs when they were doing fourth year of the course. Hence this Petition.

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