Odisha government reintroduces grant-in-aid system for school teachers

Updated on: Monday, December 10, 2012

In a major relief for the thousands of school teachers, the Odisha government announced reintroduction of grant-in-aid system of payment instead of block grant from the next fiscal.

Announcing this in the assembly, School and Mass Education minister Rabi N Nanda said that the state government has taken an in-principle decision to introduce the GIA system of payment for school teachers instead of the block grant mode.

Stating that the state government would formulate a GIA policy within two months, the minister said teachers working under block grant mode payment system for eight years, would get priority on the first phase.

The department would place the new GIA policy in the Cabinet by February, 2013, Nanda said adding that the cabinet would be requested to reconsider its earlier decision of November 23, 2012 in the matter of salary for teachers.

There were 1982 schools under the block grant mode of payment.

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