Union science and technology department to come out with aserial on science and maths

Updated on: Monday, November 26, 2012

To battle fear among students about Maths and Science subjects, the Union science and technology department has come out with a novel idea of telecasting serials.

This 13-part ‘soap opera’ will shortly be telecast in 11 Indian languages, explaining theories relating to solving problems in everyday lives using science and maths.

The registrar of Vigyan Prasar that works under the ministry and acts as a bridge with the public, Mr T.V. Venkateshwaran, said complex maths and science concepts would be explained in the serial with practical examples to tell students they could have fun learning these subjects.

Mr Venkateshwaran said the serial would include demonstration of experiments and goad students to use maths and science concepts in their daily lives.

“We have a slot in which a travel map will be shown and the viewers could come out with answers for the queries about how to save time and money during the trip.

Our serial will be available as CDs after the entire serial is telecast on TV, for a reasonable price for schools and the public,” said scientist Venkateshwaran.

“We want to dispel the myth among students and the public that maths and science are theoretical, but that they can come up with new ideas and theories,” he added.

He mentioned that Vigyan Prasar provides free download of biography of many scientists, audio and video books in its digital library to promote learning of science and maths.

“At present, we work with a network of science clubs in schools. Any school can register with us at www.vigy­anpr­asar.gov.in as m­ember and utilise our publications,” he said.

His five books, written in Tamil on science concepts, will be released in the city on Saturday.

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