Karnataka State Law University using technology to help law students in rural parts of the state

Updated on: Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Karnataka State Law University is using the help of technology to help law students in the state, especially in rural parts of the state, benefit from seminars, lectures and conferences held in the university. With the help of A-View (online) software, KSLU is ensuring students in other parts of the state are able to access its events.

Not all colleges can afford to have legal luminaries and other distinguished guests deliver lectures and attend seminars in their colleges. In such cases, KSLU facilitated video recordings of its lectures and educative seminars. But the new software will make things only easier.

In case a guest is invited to the university or particular college, he can directly deliver his lecture with the help of online software A-View. Students of all law colleges can watch it live, sitting in their colleges and also interact with the guest online.

In the first phase, KSLU has begun beaming live seminars and special lectures using the online software. So far it has provided the login ID and password to 30 principals of law colleges in the state. More colleges are expected to come under the ambit.

Around 92 law colleges come under KSLU's jurisdiction. Karnataka State Law University VC J S Patil said, "Already we have finished first phase of work. More colleges will be provided login ID and passwords in coming days."

This initiative will enhance the law knowledge of the students studying in rural law colleges in the state and bridge the divide in learning between urban and rural students. Students can watch live the guest lecture and seminar by sitting in their colleges and interact with the speakers online, the vice-chancellor added.

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