Glasgow Caledonian University gets a new Chancellor

Updated on: Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Nobel Peace Prize winner and global anti-poverty campaigner, Professor Muhammad Yunus, was installed as chancellor of Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) this October.

The formal installation ceremony at the university’s Saltire Centre was preceded by a colourful procession through the city centre campus, with the new chancellor and members of the University Court and senior staff dressed in their academic robes and accompanied by the Bedellus carrying GCU’s ceremonial mace. Although the role of chancellor is largely a ceremonial one, Yunus said, that the role that he would cut out for himself would be that of involving the university with the community in Glasgow, in order to achieve the university’s mission of working for the common good.

“As chancellor, I hope to interact with the students of GCU to come up with creative and innovative ideas to solve social problems, as a way to bring social and economic change not only for their own community but for the world as a whole. We will also work to create opportunities of promoting social business in Scottish society in order to tackle problems like entrenched unemployment and welfare dependency. I am thrilled to take on this responsibility and am eagerly looking forward to building a long lasting relationship,” he added.

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