WISE Prize to CEO of Pratham Education Foundation in recognition of his education work in the slums of Mumbai

Updated on: Saturday, November 17, 2012

CEO of Pratham Education Foundation (PEF) Madhav Chavan has been awarded the WISE Prize, which has been likened to a Nobel prize for education". Pratham Education Foundation has also extensively worked in the education in Gujarat especially researching the quality of education here.

The award was announced at the WISE summit in Qatar in recognition of his education work in the slums of Mumbai. The international award, which comes with a prize of $500,000 (£314,000), recognizes Dr Chavan's efforts to provide lessons in literacy and numeracy for disadvantaged children and adults in India.

Dr Chavan said, "This prize is a major landmark that reminds me how much more remains to be done. It is an enormous honour for me to be recognized by this unique community of innovators."

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