Children are the nation-builders of tomorrow said PM

Updated on: Thursday, November 15, 2012

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said the challenges before the nation towards securing the future of children were "daunting".

In his greetings to children on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Jawaharlal Nehru, Singh said children are the nation-builders of tomorrow.

"Our responsibilities towards securing their future are huge and the challenges equally daunting. Their health, their education and their overall development have been given priority in our policies and programmes," the Prime Minister said.

Singh said the restructured and strengthened programme of ‘Integrated Child Development Services’ that the government had approved recently reiterates these objectives.

"We have great expectations from our children and hope and pray that they will excel in diverse fields and make the country proud," the Prime Minister said extending his felicitations to all those children who are being recognized for their exceptional achievements this year.

The Prime Minister also commended the Ministry of Women and Child Development headed by Krishna Tirath for its child-oriented initiatives.

"My best wishes and blessings to all the children of this country for a very happy, healthy and bright future," Singh said.

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