London mayor on a week-long three city visit to India to attract investment, improving ties in Education

Updated on: Thursday, November 15, 2012

London mayor Boris Johnson will carry with him a message of love for India as he embarks on a week-long three city visit to the country this month to attract investment, improving ties in Education sector and promote trade.

The visit starting on November 25 will cover Delhi, Hyderabad and Mumbai. He is expected to adress concerns in India over a tightening visa regime for students in the UK.

Answering questions on the tightening of the visa regime, particularly student visas, Johnson said some of the decisions taken on the visa system were "counter-productive" and blamed the former Labour government for the failure of the visa regime.

"The problem was caused by the shambolic failure of the visa system under Labour that let too many illegal people to enter the country," he told Indian journalists here.

In India, Johnson will hold discussions with concerned chief ministers and captains of the industries particularly in the Small and Medium sectors.

A mission from UK Universities will also be in Delhi during the visit.

Besides, exploring opportunities in the multi-brand retail sector, the focus will be on financial services, higher education and attracting more Indian students to UK universities.

Johnson said there has been substantial increase in the number of Indian students studying in the UK but admitted things could be better.

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