Parents get an experts view on developing a healthy relationship with their children

Updated on: Thursday, November 15, 2012

Parents got an expert's view on how to create a more healthy and fruitful symbiotic relationship with their children in a seminar organized at South Point School in city. Parents were advised to "observe, understand and act positively" to the subtle signals that their kids display.

With a focus on pre-primary and primary school kids, well known pediatrician Dr Rajiv Mohta told parents that creating a "healthy, hygienic and positive attitude in children will help them grow in a healthy atmosphere".

Speaking to parents he, said, "Don't create pressure, be methodological, be systematic, create positive attitude and be a role model. Prevention is better then cure so follow a time table and be emotionally stable. Nurture the child just like a plant. So as manure and water is essential for a plant, similarly emotion, love, care, system are essential to increase the immune system of the child."

Dr Mohta stressed that that a lot of attention has to be given to the child so that he or she does not fall prey to a communicative disease.

South Point School is continuing with a series of weekly lectures on parenting for school kids. Mrunalini Dasture, principal of the school, said, "We are calling the series 'Ved - Mulanchya Manacha', which means that we should understand what our children are telling us by being in tune with their communication pattern. Our young school kids cannot always communicate with us regarding what they want, hence we need to be adept at understanding the needs."

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