ICRISAT to set up international distance learning centre

Updated on: Monday, August 24, 2009

The joint initiative is aimed at creating opportunities to develop and strengthen regionally relevant education and training programmes. The distance learning unit called University of Florida-ICRISAT International Distance Education Centre (UF-ICRISA T-IDEC) is based at ICRISAT headquarters in Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh.

The centre has launched a series of short courses beginning with GIS for landscape analysis. The other subjects in the series are analysis of bio-energy projects, soil and water science aspects in watershed development, crop modelling, and the use of geo-statistical data in environmental assessment.

The courses are being jointly conducted by the University of Florida scientists and ICRISAT scientists.

Biotechnology and related topics will be dealt with in the next phase, said ICRISAT authorities.

Participants in these short courses will get a certificate jointly issued by the University of Florida and ICRISAT. ICRISAT Director General William D. Dar and University of Florida Interim Senior Vice-President, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Larry Arrington, who signed a letter of agreement last month, were enthused about the new initiative.

The new centre is also aimed at enabling ICRISAT and the University of Florida to pursue areas of common interest drawing on the joint expertise of the two partner institutions. According to Dr. Dar, capacity strengthening of professionals in the developing countries is an absolute must in the current context of new vulnerabilities and opportunities in agriculture and natural resources management. The ICRISAT-UF collaboration is also expected to contribute to the development of study-abroad opportunities for University of Florida undergraduate students, graduate student research, and promotion of faculty sabbaticals with South and Southeast Asia-based institutions, especially in India.

According to Dr. Arrington, the collaboration will help the University of Florida to build its presence in South Asia.

“This region is of great importance to our expanding international presence. Moreover, this partnership with ICRISAT provides us with an opportunity to join with our centre colleagues on a wide array of research and education activities of mutual interest,” said Dr. Arrington.
Capacity building

To date, ICRISAT has invested substantial resources in strengthening the capacity of regional partners to promote improved food and livelihood security in the drylands of Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.

The University of Florida has been engaged in research and educational activities in the region focused on improved water and nutrient utilization for sustainable crop production and conservation of soil and water resources as well as curriculum innovations for improving higher education using e-technologies.

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