Rights of minorities violated in education despite RTE Act implementation

Updated on: Friday, November 09, 2012

Minorities affairs minister K Rahman Khan today suggested setting up of a sub-committee under an apex body on education to look into issues of violation of educational rights of minorities in states despite enactment of RTE Act.
"I request the Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE) to constitute a sub-committee under it to look into violation of constitutional rights of the minorities...for effective implementation of RTE," Khan said at a CABE meeting chaired by HRD minister M M Pallam Raju here.

Several states are enacting rules and defining minorities which is not in their domain, he said, adding that there should be a clear direction to the states from the Centre as to what is minority and who is a minority.

CABE is the apex advisory body on education in the country, comprising state education ministers, educationists and experts from various walks of life.

It is the Centre's duty to ensure that there is uniformity in implementation of the RTE. Though the states are provided the power to make rules, the rules cannot be in violation of the Constitution, he said.

Drawing attention to the pathetic condition of the government schools, Khan said the Right to Education (RTE) mandate cannot be effectively implemented unless quality of schools is ensured.

The 60th meeting of CABE is discussing various issues including extending the scope of RTE to pre-school and secondary school levels.

Haryana education minister Geeta Bhukkal along with Delhi's social welfare and women and child development minister Kiran Walia emphasised the need for moral education as a subject to address the issue of female foeticide.

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