Proposed fee hike by IIT against the interest of meritorious students from poor families

Updated on: Thursday, November 08, 2012

With decks cleared for a substantive hike in tuition fee at the Indian Institute of Technology (IITs), Super 30 founder and mathematician Anand Kumar said it could go against the interest of meritorious students from poor families, who were already unable to bear the education expenses.

"The 13 IITs will increase fee for undergraduate programmes by 80% - Rs.50,000 per annum to Rs.90,000 per annum - from the next academic year if the IIT Council approves the standing committee's recommendation. This is too sharp an increase, especially for the underprivileged sections," Kumar told TOI.

Kumar said there was no justification of this at a time when the people were already grappling with price rise and growing expenses of education. "For poor students, it is a reality that even loans are not easy to get. As they don't get quality schooling, they have to spend even for alternative coaching. But now, even if they qualify, they will find it hard to afford," he added.

Citing Bihar's instance, he said in a state like Bihar with 60-70% BPL population and poor track record of banks in giving education loans, such a steep hike could have a detrimental effect. "In a welfare state, education should at least be kept accessible and affordable," he added.

He felt that comparison should not be drawn between the fee structure of IITs and some of the private institutions as the  "Private institutes have sheer private motive, but the government should not see it from the point of view of profit only. Education is an investment for the future, not present," he added.

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