Bangladesh expresses desire to strengthen ties with Kerala in education and other core sectors

Updated on: Saturday, November 03, 2012

Kerala's friendly ties with Bangladesh will be further strengthened in shipping, health, education, tourism and cultural sectors, a Bangaldesh envoy said.

Bangladesh High Commissioner Tariq A Karim said, "Bangladesh desires to have strong ties with Kerala in coastal shipping, Health, Education, Tourism and Cultural sectors. We will participate in trade fairs and other developmental initiatives in Kerala."
He was speaking after a decision in this regard was taken during a meeting he had with Chief Minister Oommen Chandy.

Stating that the atmosphere was conducive for investment in a cent per cent literate state like Kerala, Karim said his country would take part in the Annual 'Emerging Kerala' meet.

The Bangladesh Navy would visit Kochi as part of a goodwill visit, an official release quoting him said.

Chandy said Kerala was an investor-friendly state and was ready to cooperate with countries interested in investments and also promised to create a conducive atmosphere for discussion in the field of trade and commerce.

The Chief Minister said Kerala was according importance to basic developmental activities and that the state had gone forward in the field of education and health.

State Minister for culture and Non-Resident Keralities K C Joseph was also present at the meeting.

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