Science and technology play a crucial role in the process of development

Updated on: Saturday, November 03, 2012

Union DONER minister Paban Singh Ghatowar said, universities and institutes of higher learning have the responsibility of developing science and technology tools and strategies for the country's development.

"Science and technology play a crucial role in the process of development. Hence universities and institutes of higher learning have a great responsibility in achieving this", Ghatowar said here today.

Inaugurating Tezpur Central University's annual-cum- cultural festival 'TechXetra', he said, "these institutes also have an additional responsibility for creating the much needed human resources".

With its well developed school of science with focus on both fundamental and applied aspects of science, the minister said the university was poised for contributing handsomely towards the effective use of the vast natural resources of the north east region through science and technology with the budding scientists coming up with imaginative road maps.

Observing that only 25 per cent of the graduate population of the country were employed, he said despite jobs being in plenty, the rest 75 per cent remained unemployed as they needed to acquire the necessary skills to fulfill the requirements of the recuiters.

"Technical events like the 'TechXetra' can take the opportunity to identify the lack of synergy between the educational institutions and the requirement of the job market so as to chart out a road map on how to narrow the gap".

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