Value education at school level is very important to root out corruption

Updated on: Friday, November 02, 2012

CVC chief Pradeep Kumar said the government must do something more than punitive action to check fraudulent conduct by those in power.

Addressing a function organised to reinforce value education in schools, the Central Vigilance Commissioner (CVC) said school is the place where "we can shape values and behaviour of the person" by making children aware about the menace of corruption and its ill effects.

"The battle against corruption has to be fought on many fronts. Many studies have shown that corruption cannot be curbed by strict laws alone. ...We have to do something more. Punitive actions are not enough," he said at the programme attended by HRD Minister Pallam Raju and Minister of State for HRD Shashi Tharoor.

Noting that some of the most corrupt countries in the world have got the most stringent laws to fight corruption, the CVC said, "China has got one of the most strict laws for fighting corruption, but there the corruption level remains very high."

He said that a corruption-free society cannot be built on fear and distress alone and value education at school level is very important to root out the menace.

"We are all aware of the ill-effects of corruption. Poor are the worst affected. It is a huddle in our developmental efforts, it undermines the rule of law, it weaken our institutions, encourages the under-hand activities," he said.

The HRD Ministry's decision to promote value education in schools came after the CVC recommended the inclusion of lessons on ethics in school curriculum early this year.

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